Relative VaR is a measure of the degree to which the performance of the portfolio might deviate from its benchmark. Relative VaR is also referred to as “ex ante tracking error.”
Ex ante tracking error cor […]
A hedonic index is a transaction-based real estate index, which relies on a single sale of a property as opposed to repeat sales of the same property.
NOI is a component of return in an appraisal-based […]
Implied volatility is a measure of estimated future volatility, not historical volatility.
Volatility skew tends to steepen whenever the market price of hedging is rising, which causes its shape to be different […] -
payer swaption= swap component – bond component
receiver swaption = bond component – swap component. -
the effective convexity of a putable bond is always positive. It is the effective convexity of a callable bond that will change from positive to negative if interest rates fall and the call option is near the […]
short-term structured finance vehicles with granular, homogeneous assets tend to be evaluated using a statistical-based approach to the existing book of loans (the reading exhibit refers under “Credit Analysis A […]
Secured Overnight Financing Rate(担保付翌日物調達金利)の略称。米国の銀行間取引の指標となる金利で、ニューヨーク連邦準備銀行が2018年4月から公表 […]
dominance principle:将来無リスクでペイオフされる金融資産は、今日、正の価格を持たなければならない
The interest r […]
Capital Budgeting
Expansion Project Analysis
Initial investment outlay
outlay = FCInv + NWCInvshipping and installation (FCInv)
investment in net working capital (NWCInv).NWCInv = Δnon-cash current assets − Δn […]
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