
Forward contract price
FP = S0 × (1 + Rf)^T

forward overpriced:borrow money ⇒ buy (go long) the spot asset ⇒ go short the asset in the forward
forward underpriced:borrow asset ⇒ short (sell) spot asset ⇒ lend money ⇒ long (buy) forward
Equity Forward Contracts
FP (of an equity security) = (S0 − PVD) × (1 + Rf)^T
FP (of an equity security) = [S0 × (1 + Rf)^T] − FVD
PVD:present value of the expected dividends

FVD:future value of the dividends

Vt(long position)=[StPVDt][FP/{(1+Rf)^(Tt)}]

equity index forward contract

FP(on an equity index)=S0×e{(Rcfδc)×T}={S0×e(δc×T)}×e(Rcf×T)
Rcf=continuously compounded risk-free rate
δc=continuously compounded dividend yield

匿名 さんが質問を投稿 2022年6月30日